Before Christ was to enter His passion, at Mount Olives, when He was in a great mental grief as human, He saw the prize He had to pay, all He was to suffer and His abandonment by His Heavenly Father in order to atone for the sins of men. He saw the sins of men of the past, present and future generations and their rejection of Him. He saw the depth of man’s enmity with God being poured upon Him, the tortures and the approaching death. He saw the uselessness of His sufferings and death for so many souls who would ignore Him and would not walk in His footsteps. The sins were so many and the consequences so grave and heavy on Him that He sweated blood. Due to His mental suffering, Christ felt like telling His Heavenly Father that He would no longer be willing to give up His life for such ungrateful men. On turning to Him, He made His request that if it be possible, let the cup be taken away from Him, but equally, He resigned Himself to the will of His Father since He was bound to do His father’s will thereby giving us an example in suffering. But the passion was not … . Buy and Read more
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